The Anjou region around the city of Angers is known mainly for its rosé wines made from Cabernet Franc with the Rosé d'Anjou and the Cabernet d'Anjou.
White wines made from chenin blanc are produced under the name of Anjou Blanc while Anjou Rouge is made from gamay.
Some of the very high quality wines are very often represented under the AOC Anjou - Villages. The region around Saumur is the third largest sparkling wine appellation in France after Champagne and Crémants d'Alsace. 12 million bottles of Saumur sparkling wine are produced each year. Unlike Champagne, which is made from chardonnay, pinot noir and pinot meunier, Saumur sparkling wines are made from chenin blanc.
The region of Saumur - Champigny produce red wines composed of Cabernet Franc which gives them a profile similar to the wines of St-Nicolas-de-Bourgueil.